That said, shall I begin?
We all know that Sailor Moon is not an American based cartoon (yes, I will stop stating the obvious in a moment); it is actually anime, or Japanese cartooning. This, in turn, is based on Naoko Takeuchi's manga of the same name. Thus said, we all can pretty much deduce that the original was in Japanese.
Finally, to the point. Ever since my sis first picked up a Japanese dictionary, I've been looking up the names of my Sailor Moon Characters. Couldn't find some of them; now, though, thanks to the absolutely KICK! resource above, I have.
Just a note: Due the fact that often a word can be the same in romanji (quick def: english version of their words), but with different kanji (their character writing style), I am not sure which definition is the ABSOLUTE right one. Especially since I haven't seen the character's names in kanji (HELP!). So I'm fitting them to the character. Also, this may be different from some other defs given; I am going as exact as possible based on my resources. UPDATE: Thanks to an unnamed source (for now), I am going to soon be starting a revamp of this whole page--and perhaps adding the pages I promised sometime back, neh? Ummm...that would be if I could find unnamed source's e-mail with the pertinent information. But meanwhile, enjoy all the new pretty pictures! They're from Kelly's Sailor Moon Gallery and the Galleries of Links will be provided at the bottem, 'kay? K. Onto to it!
Mizuno Ami="Friend of Water" or "Net of Water"
Hino Rei="Soul of Fire"
Kino Makoto="Tree of Truth" or "Spirit of Sincerity"
Aino Minako="Love of Everyone"
Tsukino Usagi="Rabbit of (the) Moon"
The Outers, as usual, have a hidden catch to their names, but I'll get into that later. It is also a little difficult to get an EXACT trans of their names. The Inners are fairly self explanatory once you see the translations; the Outers are not. But you'll see.
Tennou Haruka ="Remote Uranus" or "Distant Emperor"
Kaiou Michiru="Full of Neptune" or "Rising Tide of Neptune"
Meiou Setsuna="Pluto's Moment" or "Juncture of Pluto".
Kou Seiya="Starlit Night Entertainment"
Kou Taiki: "Atmosphere (of) Entertainment"