CHAPTER TWO Assembling the Team sub: and we're balanced, too. The queasiness stayed in the pit of her stomach even as she headed down towards the A-E, with the pass in her hand granting her level 12 access. She was even too uneasy to realize what had just been placed in her hands. The Gatekeepers of the A-E--Karl, the elder, and Michael, the young (though really they were both young)--were the only ones to actually hold level 12 passes. The people of the Room had level 14. She'd never stopped to consider who had levels 11 and 13, and she didn't do so then. She barely acknowledged that the people she passed existed, or that she herself existed; it seemed the enchanting blue, gold and silver pass had enchanted her right into numbness. She descended the stairs and into the darkest parts of the castle. A fair amount of time ago these had been dungeons, housing the rabble of this particular kingdom. When the Archive had been given permission to house itself there, the A-E eagerly took up residence in the most secluded section, making it so that people wouldn't bother coming down. Ninx thought to herself. Finally, though, she reached the bottom, and took a couple of twists and turns past various other cells to get to the doors of the A-E. They weren't ostentatious, but plain, heavy, oak doors, suited to keeping most things out. For the first time she wondered if it was to keep the things inside, in. Karl greeted her jovially. The two had been acquainted outside the walls, for he'd been steeping himself extra in Senshi lore when she was just beginning to train. It was he who passed on the various tidbits gleaned from some of the older books, and also clued her in on several author names that might suit her. She nodded back, then to Michael, before presenting the pass to Karl. Both men caught the glint of the pass and swore so harshly Ninx thought her ears were going to turn red. Michael looked back at her and asked, "Did you steal this?" "NO!" she cried out, shocked. "Peace!" Karl said to the two of them. Then, to Michael, "I know Ninx. She has too much work to do to steal a pass from the Room. And you know how heavily this one is guarded." "But Karl, it gives her access! And not only to the A-E, but to the Platinum Chain!" Karl sighed heavily at this, and for a moment Ninx felt she just might be trudging up the stairs again. Then, he said, "If the Room says do it, do it. And there's nothing we can do about it." He turned, and both Keepers pressed their hands against the wall and murmured a few choice words. Then, quite suddenly, the door vanished. At the same time, Karl yanked her arm and pulled her through, following her. Michael gave one last harsh look to the two, then made a sweeping gesture to the air and the door went back up. "Well, Ninx, how are you?" Karl asked. "Um...all right, I suppose," she said. "Except for the fact that I don't know what the HELL is going on!" He smiled at her, a fierce smile, then said, "You're about to find out, my dear, what the A-E is really about." His eyes flashed as he asked, "Do you know what the A-E stands for?" "No idea. Never really thought about it," she admitted. "It stands for "Alter-Egos." I'm sure you know enough of the storyline..." "Listen, Karl, you KNOW that I never missed more than a handful of questions on Manga and Anime history tests. Of course I know! I'm even familar with some of the altered lines, thought only in passing," she retorted fiercely, eyes sparking at the gatekeeper. She was getting impatient; she'd been scared, then confused, then screamed at--and now questioned! A low growl surpressed itself in her throat. He nodded, enjoying the fire in her eyes. He liked his job, but sometimes it got REALLY boring; Ninx was providing a much needed diversion. "Yes, yes, I know...pardon my temporarily lapse of memory." "Pardoned." "Anyway, I KNOW you know enough of the storyline to show where there are some cracks, and that's how this whole section came about. The people who slipped between the cracks in the original story, or the details, or whatever, all reside here. Also, we have the Senshi's new powers, and some VERY powerful tools that you'd better hope no evildoer comes in contact with." Her eyes widened, and a puzzled expression stole over her face. "But why in here, Karl? Why do we store everything?" "Because I asked them to," came a soft voice. Karl turned towards it, and smiled. "Hello, Lady Galaxia." Ninx turned more slowly, eyes widening. For there, in front of her, stood the Golden Senshi...the one who'd just been dealt with in this system...the one who'd... "It's not the real me, Ninx," the Lady said, her voice soft and fair. "I'm just a projection of myself." She passed a hand through a nearby wall to demonstrate her unrealness. "What...what...why.." Ninx stammered, eyes flying between Karl and the Lady Galaxia. "The Lady, before her recent...vacation..." Karl started. "KARL! I was NOT on vacation!" the projection said fiercly. "I was in lapse." She smiled then. "Still, it's nice to see you try. Continue." "...came to us to request that we be a sort of 'holding tank' for the Universe she existed in." "So THAT'S why you're not really here!" Ninx exclaimed. "There's that whole dimensional boundry to consider!" The Lady nodded brightly. "They sent you a bright one, eh Karl?" she said. "She's to receive the Platinum Chain, m'Lady. She'd better be bright," he said, and Ninx felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. Meanwhile, Galaxia brightened perceptively. "The Platinum Chain?" she said, in a hushed voice that lost none of its intensity. The sinking feeling in her stomach intensified. The Golden Senshi turned on her and asked, "Did they give you any idea about what you're doing?" "I'm supposed to go and destroy the mechanics that are interfering in the Senshi powers. Something--and this is according to the Room--is damaging the lines between their powers, and there's been some crossing over." "How dreadful!" the Woman muttered. "Alone?" "Actually, I'm to collect a team--though I don't know how large, nor who--and go do something about it." "I see, I see," she murmured. "Well, we'd better get you to the Platinum Chain, and I'll see if I can try and help you." "I'd be honored, Lady Galaxia." "You'd better be," the Golden Senshi said back with a trace of a smile. Karl gave her a soft push, and they went forward, the woman leading them quietly. Most of the place was shrouded in darkness-- in fact, though she saw torch holders in the walls, none had been lit beyond the entrance. And still she was nervous, for she had a feeling now, another sinking feeling to go with the other thousand or so pressed flat in her stomach, that she was in WAY over her head. Finally, Lady Galaxia stopped, and Karl lit the torch. And Ninx found herself in a...storeroom. "Impressive," she managed to crack, staring at the cracked flooring, the rows of metal shelves, and shivering a little at the chill in the air. she wondered to herself. "We make do," Karl said softly. "Though I personally think it should be a LITTLE nicer, no one wants to draw attention to this room. However, the energy in this room...can't you feel it?" She nodded, for a faint buzzing had set up residence in her head, which helped her nerves NONE. "I understand," she said softly. "So...uh...when do I get the Chain?" "I'll have to find it, first," he said. "That will not be necessary," Lady Galaxia said. "It's over here, eye level, four down." Quickly the pair came, and Karl stepped first to pull out slightly the cardboard container. From it he pulled a plain, plastic case, then turned and gave it to her. "Here ya go, Ninx. The Platinum Chain." She took it cautiously, and opened it. Inside was silverly chain, made of the rare, precious and nigh indestructible metal. Actually, it was more like a bracelet, with eight gleaming links joined by a ninth, larger one. And on each link was engraved a small symbol, a different color for each one. She took it, rolled it in her fingers, examining the symbols, the buzz of power building in the back of her mind. She looked up at Karl and Lady Galaxia, both who watched her intently. "The Senshi's" she said, quietly. "All of them," Lady Galaxia replied. "You can now officially call on each and every Senshi power." "Plus the ones invented by your particular author," Karl added. "Most likely why they chose you to bear it, Ninx--because your author came up with some new powers." "But so did lady..." she stammered, knowing FULL well that other authors had done the same, but she couldn't remember, in her addled brain, who they could be. "But you've been cross-trained, dear," Lady Galaxia said. "All the Senshi powers..." she said, gripping the chain. "Do I transform?" "If you want to," Karl said. "I'll think about it," she said. Her face pulled into a thoughtful look for a moment, and then she added, "Don't some of the Senshi use staffs?" "Hmmm...I hadn't thought of that," Karl said. "You will need some to use, just in case...." he trailed off and looked to Lady Galaxia. "How about an amalgam?" the Lady replied, looking in the boxes, her feet a few inches off the floor. "You have a couple up here." "Senshi?" "Yes, you WOULD need one of those," she murmured. She floated through the shelves, and Ninx lost track of the golden blur. Finally, they heard her soft voice saying, "Here." The two of them moved again, and this time Karl crouched to pull from the box something that fit in the palm of his hand. He handed it to Ninx, and she stared at it; it was a long, slick wood-that-wasn't-wood staff, ends glinting at her. "You want me to use this?" she said, not hiding the incredulity in her voice. "It grows, Ninx," Karl said. "What IS it?" she burst out. "It looks like wood--but it doesn't FEEL like wood--and why are the ends so shiny? Do I blind people with them, or something?" Karl shook his head, smiling, and the Lady Galaxia looked faintly bemused. "It's an amalgam, Ninx. You know what that is?" "A fusing, or a combination," she replied, mystified. "But of what?" "Sailor Pluto and Sailor Saturn's staves," Karl said. "With crystal pieces at the end for added energy control. In fact, I believe...try tapping the butt end against your hand." She did so, and out from the top came a triangular crystalline blade, gleaming; a touch confirmed the sharp edge. "It'll pierce through most things," Galaxia said. "And if you channel power through it, you can probably even conquer that." "Can I remove the blade, if need be?" she asked. "You'll have to find that one out for yourself, Ninx," Karl said. She nodded at that, staring at the tiny staff, tapping its end against her palm in order to resheathe the crystal blade. "Is there anyway to put this on the Platinum Chain, or connect the Platinum Chain to this? I'd rather not lose either one." Karl stared at her, and Lady Galaxia smiled. "She is bright, Karl," she said. To Ninx, "Yes, there is a way. Do you prefer either one?" "The staff, if grown a little, would be easier to keep track of, and less of a jewel for any thief," she replied. Lady Galaxia nodded, and Ninx handed over the staff and chain to Karl, who held them within the image of the Lady. She tilted back, eyes closed, and the two vanished for a split second; the staff reappeared, and Karl handed it back to Ninx. She concentrated, and grew it to the length of a pencil and studied it. Just below the shining tip was the chain, set in the wtwnw ((AN: See above.)) so it looked like a ring of ornate runes. She nodded in satisfaction to herself, then slipped it into her pocket. "Now to assemble the team," she murmured to herself. Suddenly, Lady Galaxia crowed, and they both looked at her, stunned. "I know who you can use!" she cried out. "The one who has slipped WAY between the cracks, and some Generals!" Karl nodded his approval, and said quietly to her, "I'll show her the way." * * * * "You STORE them?" she said. He nodded as he unlocked the door, leading her onto a metal walkway. They only had to go for a little bit before they came to the tubes, five on each side. She looked between them, once and twice and again, then said, "They're the same." He shook his head. "Not quite. Check again." So she did, coming in close to one, then the other, and finally a smile came to her lips, and she stood back up. "This side," she said, pointing to the left, "is evil. And the side to my right is good." He nodded, and she walked among them again, mind reviewing her knowledge. Facing either side, they went from left to right: Endymion, Kunzite, Nephrite, Jadeite, and Zoicite. she thought. Finally, she looked to Karl and asked, "How many can I take?" "We usually only allow out one or two, but three would have to be your maximum," he replied. She nodded, then turned back to the tubes, debating. Her author's works always praised Jadeite (even if they spelled his name wrong) and she'd come to admire that portrait of cocky charm. She drew back, though, looking to Zoicite...and nixed the idea immediately. If the PT chain was any indication, then she'd need power. So, she leaned over and pressed the blue OPEN button on the tubes for Kunzite, Nephrite, and Endymion. Immediately, black doors fell over those three, and a whooshing sound came. Then, they fell back, and there, still in the tubes, were the three she'd just asked for. She looked to Karl, her expression questioning. "We always need to keep them in stock," he replied to her unspoken question, "for anybody who writes fics with them." A small smile came over his face. "becki and Jaime almost have their own permanant copies of the Generals, though they prefer the ones on the left." She nodded slightly, still looking at the tubes, when the door to her left opened. And in strolled the three she'd just chosen-- Endymion in fore, Kunzite and Nephrite flanking him. Immediately she turned, smiled, and with a slight bow, said, "Greetings, Prince Endymion! I am Ninx, and I am in need of your services." "Stupid commoner!" Kunzite suddenly roared. "Don't you know you're not supposed to speak before the Prince!" her mind raged, and she felt her features tense up. "Excuse me, sir?" "That was nearly an affront to the Prince's honor..." he started, but then Endymion held up his hand, saying, "Peace, peace. She doesn't look like one who knows the protocals, Kunzite. In fact, she doesn't even look like one of our time." He looked around and then added, "And perhaps we aren't IN our own time." "If your bodyguard will allow me to speak, Prince Endymion, I will explain," she said. "BODYGUARD!" roared Kunzite, and now Nephrite looked like he wanted to say something. Yet the Prince, despite his stern expression, was laughing to himself; she could see it in his twinkling, deep blue eyes. "Kunzite, Nephrite, have courtesy," he said, and the two contained their fuming. "I would speak with this lady...lady..." "Ninx," she supplied. "Lady Ninx," he finished, walking forward a bit. And although it was under his breath, she heard him add, "With the intruiging sense of humor." * * * * "Where did you say we were going?" she asked Karl. "The Pit," he replied. "Sounds nasty," Endymion mused. The three of them strolled down the hall, Ninx in the middle, trailed by Nephrite and Kunzite, who grumbled all the way. "We have no idea," said Karl. "But after re-checking Ninx's card to see if there was any support, I found that they wanted a team of six, and while they left four to her, they wanted one to definetely be.." here he paused to re-read the ticket, "a women named Cheyenne." "Do we know anything about her?" Kunzite said, his voice almost anxious. "Nothing," Karl replied. "Unless, Ninx..." "I don't have a clue who she is," she said. "Though there are rumors--and mind you, unfounded rumors--that the Room keeps a supply of powerful warriors on hand, just in case it has to deal with a BIG threat." "Such as the one we face," Karl murmured. "There may be some credence to that, Ninx." She shrugged. "Who knows the ways of those in the Room? Still, it sounds like something they would do." Kunzite whispered something to Nephrite behind her, and she tried to cock her ears and hear the words, but couldn't. She felt some awe when it came to the Prince, and a little around Nephrite, but NOT with Kunzite. OH, NO! Not after he called her stupid. she told herself calmly. A sputtering voice in the back told her Nephrite had replied, but otherwise, there was no other conversation. Swiftly a pair of dark doors came into their sight, torchlight blinding around it. Karl handed the pass back to Ninx, and she looked to him. He grinned, then said, "Its your clearance, Ninx. I may have level 12, but not the verification I need for this room." Her eyebrows raised, but she inserted the slip in the slot at the door, and waited. A green light flashed, and the doors opened. The Generals quickly barged to step in first, and Ninx, Karl, and the Prince followed. Unconciously, Ninx produced the pencil sized staff, and let it grow until it was about a foot and a half long. Already the thick staff felt comfortable in her grip. The room was dark--only one torch was lit-- but from what she could see it was mostly metal (floor, walls, maybe ceiling, though she couldn't see!), and probably large. The air quality was different, too, the humidity slightly higher, and it tasted like sweat, though her nose didn't detect any specific human scents. Abruptly, a ball of light flared from Kunzite's hand, and shortly after a sparkle from Nephrite headed towards the ceiling. She herself concentrated, and though she didn't remember any such call by Venus, murmuring "VENUS LIGHT" produced an orange globe that hung around her head. Swiftly, a shape moved across her vision, and she and the light swung around to follow it, crying out, "THERE!" Kunzite was by her in an instant, Nephrite hanging back to cover the Prince, who unsheathed his sword. Karl crossed his arms in front of him, paling, and his lips moved in silence as if he was trying to remember a ward or five. "I don't see..." Kunzite began, but she cut him off by snapping the light downwards. "Of course you DON'T SEE! It MOVED! There was movement there, though, so we'd BETTER WATCH for SOMETHING!" She was being testy, and she knew it, but the day was already growing too long. Was it only an hour or so ago that she was in front of the gates? A scant time before that, sitting at her desk, thinking peaceful thoughts? She shook off her mood, though, not noticing the sudden flash of respect in Kunzite's eyes. Then, just as quickly as before, there came a movement. Only now it was descending towards them, a flame haired creature wielding a silver dagger, and it didn't look friendly.... Kunzite let off the first barage of power, the energy around his fingers snapping and weaving together to form a blue-black blast. It reached for the moving, red-haired blur-- and then missed as the creature sheared off abruptly. A quick tumble in the air brought the women--the lines of her uniform were tight enough to discern that--to a crouch, back turned. She barely paused to glance at them before reaching out with her foot and sweeping Kunzite, who thudded to the floor with a muffled voice of surprise. Now her purple eyes winked at Ninx, and she knew she was to be targeted next. Instinctively her teeth gritted----and she raised the staff. "Sound travels faster than you," she said. "So try it, woman." The women seemed to smile at this, and then launched herself into the air. In response, Ninx shouted, "MARS FIRE IGNITE!" Instantly, fire gathered around the end of the staff, and she swung it at the woman, tongue of fire leaping at her. Shocked, she turned aside, but not before Ninx saw the rage in her own eyes. A sudden prickle struck the back of her neck, and before she could think a pain exploded in her head. *Take that, intruder!* sounded an defiant voice in her head, and she knew then and there that she was facing a telepath as well as a flame haired blur. Her legs fell from under her, yet the staff still clung to her hand, as if it would never let go. She managed to turn her fall into a clumsy roll, coming up with her head still burning. she knew. Weakily, she raised the staff again, and summoning her knowledge of the Outer Senshi, whispered, "Pluto Dead Scream!" The staff responded gladly; she could feel the energy leaping up in the wood. Her blurry eyes turned clearer than before; her ears sharpened, and energy flooded her legs. With a strength she wasn't accustomed to, she threw the purple slap of sound at the woman. Her flame hair and purple eyes seemed to burn--she knew it was coming, and tried to react, but as before, sound is faster than movement. Yet a white aura had formed about her as the angry crowded her face, and wordlessly a wave of energy flashed out of her. It smacked into the Dead Scream, and the two flashes of power ATE each other, disappearing inside the other, a muffled explosion resounding their end. "Now, Kunzite!" she found herself yelling. "Now, while she can't summon her psi!" She tried to scramble to her feet, but as the staff had become normal, so had she--and boy, did it hurt. Kunzite's curt nod and the fluttering of his grey hair calmed her a bit, though, and she sank down to the floor again, watching. The woman apparently realized her power was gone, but not her strength. She lashed out at Kunzite with the dagger, but he was too fast for her, leaping back. His hand came around as if to slap her, and she flew backwards, miraculously landing on her feet. Still she charged, and in response he growled some words, and charged right back. The two oncoming forces were destined to meet in the middle, and Ninx feared they would eat each other as well, like the powers had. However, Kunzite apparently had much more sense-- --than the Dead Scream; at the last moment, he slid, knocking her off her feet, so she sprawled on the floor. In an instant he was on his feet, and she coming to hers; well, that is until Kunzite threw a blue-black energy net over her, separating her not only from the ground, but from the dagger as well. She snarled fiercly at him, and at the oncoming people, even at Karl. "Do you know her, Karl?" Ninx asked, uncertain. She felt better now; the effects of the psi-shock had faded after she relaxed on the floor, though there was still a touch of wobbliness in her step. "Karl?" the woman said before he could reply. "Guardian of the A-E? You brought these intruders here?" Karl walked in closer, still a little pale, but a definite unfriendliness in his eyes. "I'm afraid we're at a disadvantage her," he snapped. "You know my name--but what's yours?" "Cheyenne Guerra, Karl," she replied. "Cheyenne?" Ninx said, then looked to Karl. "She's the one." "Oh," Kunzite muttered, and his eyes suddenly became a washed out gray. Ninx surpressed smile, feeling that even the Prince was expressing doubts over the Room's choice. "The one what? And who are you?" "The one the Room sent us for," Ninx replied crisply. "And my name is Ninx." "Holder of the PT chain," Karl added, and Cheyenne's eyes widened. Ninx felt almost embarrassed--must it be announced to everyone? "I am Prince Endymion, of the Earth," said Endymion from beside her, his voice diplomatic. "I am General Nephrite, Guardian of Prince Endymion." "And I," Kunzite said, coming a little closer to her, the energy net tightening, "am General Kunzite, Leader of the Generals, Guardian of Prince Endymion." Chey's eyebrows raised, and Ninx could have SWORN that a blush sprung up on her face. A faint, faint, FAINT one, but it was there. Her lips worked for a moment before sound came out, and then she said, "I am Cheyenne Guerra, under a Secret Moon, employed to help the Room in all." "Well, you're going to have to come with us, Chey," Ninx said. "I have a pass that.." "What did you call me?" the woman barked. "Chey." "My name is Cheyenne." "It's just an abbreviation." "My NAME is Cheyenne!" Ninx stared at her, losing her temper over a nickname. "It's best if I call you something short," she said. "Why?" "Stop asking questions! " Kunzite suddenly commanded in his most brusque voice. Cheyenne seemed stunned; Ninx's eyebrows raised, yet in the moment of silence she thrust out her pass. "Your name is on it," she said. "And the Room's authorization." Cheyenne nodded, fingering the blue, gold and silver worked card, then handed it back. "All right," she finally said. "Will you let me go now?" Ninx glanced at Endymion and Nephrite; they seemed reluctant. Kunzite was subtley shaking his head "NO!" "I'll let you go," she started. "Good," Cheyenne interupted through gritted teeth. "Let me FINISH!" she roared, tapping her staff, crystal blade appearing with a soft |shikt|. "You will follow our rules here. Suggestions are no problem, but there will be no jumping into combat on your own, no running off without us. You need to earn our trust Cheyenne--as we need to earn yours. Understand?" "But..." Kunzite tightened the net, and the woman nearly slumped forward, falling to her knees. "Yes," she whispered grudgingly. "I will follow." Ninx nodded to Kunzite, and he released her. She extended her hand, whispering, "Let it begin, now." Cheyenne looked up at her, studying her with her eyes, and there was faint prickle on her neck again. she thought, but ignored it, thinking of peaceful intentions. Finally, she took her hand, and allowed her to help her up, nodding slightly. Ninx smiled; hesitantly she smiled back. But it didn't reach her eyes. * * * * "They will be coming soon," Lady Galaxia said. "Are you ready?" The cloaked woman looked up, and smiled softly. "Yes, Golden One, I am." Lady Galaxia shook her head. She'd been friends with this woman for quite some time, since the end of the Silver Millenium, and she still insisted on calling her "Golden One" or "Lady Galaxia". She expected that formality from Karl or Michael or Ninx, but not from her. She'd known her too long.. "I cannot help my formality, Golden One. It has been ingrained." "You still haven't picked up contractions yet, have you?" The woman blinked, eyes bright. "No, I have not...haven't intergrated them into my speech yet."She gave a faint smile, one that didn't touch her deeply pained eyes. "But I'm trying." "You'll do wonderfully," Galaxia reassured her. "I'm sure of it." She looked towards the doors. "They should be here soon--unless they had trouble with Cheyenne." "Cheyenne? Oh dear." "I told it was going to be rough, Lady Mercurio, but you must push on to regain your.." It was then that the door clanged open, and in came them. Lady Galaxia vanished, and Mercurio's hood flashed over her head, shading her face in shadow. She turned to see them, as they got their first glimpse of her. thought Nephrite immediately. He and Karl and Ninx had taken point, leaving Kunzite in back with Endymion to deal with Cheyenne. He did not like the spark in his liege's eyes when he looked at her, but who was he to judge what was in the Prince's mind? After all, she was attractive, wearing a short top and short skirt, daggers within reach, and a disassembled bo across her back. Once they had calmed her enough for Karl to start them towards their last room, she'd been rather chatty, though serious, and most of her questions were aimed at Kunzite. She acted as if HE was in charge of the mission, though truly that fell to Ninx. He was not surprised; Kunzite certainly had an air of command about him. He'd often said it was bred into his family. he mused, eyeing the cloaked and hooded figure while taking in the room. It was a protected room-- he could feel the wards--and rather small; he suspected that it was just a greeting room, a place to assess visitors before they entered her domain. The colors were striking; a lot of dark and ice blue, a good deal of white, and a touch of blue-grey here and there. It gave an impression of power and depression, he decided, and was not keen on his decision. It did not bode well for the room's occupant. "Hello, Lady Mercurio," Ninx called, stepping forward. "I am Ninx, mission commander of this particular group." Turning, she introduced them one by one, finishing with, "...and this is Karl, who will probably want to get back to his duties now." "Very right, Ninx," he said, giving a short bow. "Someone will come to collect you when the teleporters have been aligned." "Thank you, Karl," she said, giving him a short nod and a smile. "It's been a pleasure." He smiled back, and then beat it out of the room. She turned back to Lady Mercurio, and sighed. "Do you have a place we can sit down?" "Of course," replied the woman, her voice slightly musical and low. Nephrite's eyes tried to pry out what was beneath that hood, but he couldn't penetrate the shadow, and he didn't want to stick a torch in her face just to see it. She turned away, moving gracefully to the door, and Nephrite frowned a bit. There was something familar about the colors of her cloak, though he couldn't place it. And her name as well; it stuck out in his mind as if he should remember it, but couldn't. He shook his head; he didn't have time for speculation. According to Karl, she was a Senshi, who'd, as he put it, "slipped between the cracks" (with a grin at Ninx). Nothing more, nothing less. The door opened, and the five of them trooped over to go through. He delibrately was the last to go through, stopping to speak with her. "Lady Mercurio?" She looked up from the control panel as if shocked, then said, "Yes?" "Is your house familar to the Sol system? I seem to recall you." For a moment, it seemed a shock had run down the figure, but just as quickly composure came to it. "My house was rather small, and I doubt if you'd know it." "All right," he said, then passed through the doorway. She stood outside, lips pursed. she thought quietly. Cursing herself for agreeing with this, she passed through the doors, and they closed behind her.